I once overheard a little girl asking a little boy how to get home. The boy jumped up and said, “Follow me! I know the way.” And off they went. When they arrived, the boy proudly exclaimed, much to the girl’s disappointment, “Mama, I’m home!” The little girl’s desire to get home was certainly genuine, but the directions she was given didn’t help her in the end.
During Ramadan, many Muslims are genuinely seeking the path to eternal life, but the directions they are finding are leading them astray. Thankfully, we worship a God who is capable of meeting people right where they are. What better time for us to ask Him to do that than during this time when they are open?
We invite you to join us in interceding with God on behalf of the Muslims throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina during this Ramadan season. Pray for Him to draw people to Himself and to break the chains of bondage that keep them from eternal life in Him!
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