30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ

Islam teaches that Muslims are born into Islam, inheriting the religion of their parents. Christianity teaches the opposite, that each person must make a personal decision to follow Christ and His teachings. Today we pray into this issue and ask for God to give grace to Muslims in Bosnia to question this teaching that they inherited their religion from their parents.

Praying Scripture

“Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their hearts are covered with a veil, and they do not understand” (2 Cor 3:15).

Lord, remove the veil. Remove the blinders that keep Muslims from seeing the truth of Christ. May the gospel liberate people from blindness. May the principalities and powers and spiritual forces of evil in Bosnia (Eph 6) be shut down, silenced, broken, rendered impotent. Jesus, your cross conquered the powers: the powers of death, Satan, and his kingdom. You have won the victory. And now, Lord, we call on your presence and power, your angels and ministers, to move in the spiritual realm in Bosnia. As Daniel prayed and angels were dispatched and fought wars in the heavenly places, we believe your angels are on the move in Bosnia, and we expect spiritual breakthrough this month of Ramadan.

Praying for the Church

Pray that God would protect Christians in Bosnia from distractions and false teachings. Pray against spiritual forces of darkness that would seek to cause disunity and disruptions to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Praying with the 5 Senses

This month, we want to encourage you to pray in new or unique ways as we lift the Bosniak people. Each day, we will be highlighting a way you can engage one of the “5 senses” to specifically pray for Bosnia.

Some Muslim women in Bosnia choose to cover their hair and neck with a hijab. This scarf represents modesty, and the word hijab itself means “cover” or “barrier.” While some women choose to cover because of their belief, others do so due to cultural or religious pressure.

If you have access to a scarf or other piece of cloth, hold it as you pray for God to reveal himself to those who experience a barrier to learning about Christ. Would He remove the spiritual, cultural, and societal “veils” which keep His love out of reach to Bosniaks.

Claiming Our Hope in Christ and His Heart for the Nations

Lord Jesus, your words are life. May we say ‘yes’ to life-giving connection to God, which comes as we obey, as we practice, as we put into action our faith.

Lord, allow believers in Bosnia to reject passive, consumerist tendencies in their faith. Instead, empower them to be a priesthood of believers, a holy nation, called for a purpose, commissioned by God to render into the world the rule and reign of Christ. Let them shine the goodness of Christ’s light into the shadow and chaos of this present darkness.