30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ

Muslims and Christians will both say they pray, however, the meanings behind this could not be more different. Islamic ‘prayer’ describes the memorized recitations that Muslims must speak and the motions they must go through five times a day. Christian ‘prayer’ describes bi-directional conversation with God where Christians humbly approach the throne of grace with confidence to present requests and praise, they listen to God, and are thus transformed. Today we ask for Muslims in Bosnia to have the opportunity to be prayed for by a Christian and for them to have a divine encounter with God through it.

Praying Scripture

“The Lord says: ‘Turn to me now while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Don’t tear your clothing in grief; tear your hearts instead.’ Return to the Lord your God, for He is merciful and compassionate. He is eager to relent and not punish. Who knows? He might turn and leave behind a blessing instead of a curse. Therefore, announce a solemn assembly; call the people together to fast and pray” (Joel 2, selections).

Pray for a spirit of prayer, fasting, and repentance to fall on the believers in Bosnia. Pray for a seriousness and urgency among believers. Pray that God would respond to the prayers of Bosnia and that he would send blessings on them.

Praying for the Church

Pray for wisdom about if/where Christians in Bosnia should use money in the emerging discipling network so that the movement ends up being healthy. Pray for those who make decisions about spending the Churches’ money to steward it wisely and give generously.

Praying with the 5 Senses

This month, we want to encourage you to pray in new or unique ways as we lift the Bosniak people. Each day, we will be highlighting a way you can engage one of the “5 senses” to specifically pray for Bosnia.

According to the Prophet Muhammad, the daily fasts during Ramadan were to be broken by eating dates and drinking water. Bosniak Muslims follow that tradition to this day. Drink a glass of water and feel it’s refreshing power. Remember Jesus’s words in John 4:13-14: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Pray for Bosniaks to drink deeply of the life-giving water Jesus offers!

Claiming Our Hope in Christ and His Heart for the Nations

O Father! We come to you poor in spirit, asking…imploring…begging you for intervention in this nation and at this time. We pray, Lord, that you would raise up intercessors, people willing to stand in the gap for Bosnia. Raise up your prayer-warriors, and mobilize the believers to pray.

May we pray instead of staying busy.
May we pray instead of scheduling more activities.
May we pray instead of filling up our time.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Capture our hearts again. And make Bosnia a nation of sacrificial, extraordinary prayer and fasting.