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50 000 Prayers for Bosnia
Current Total: 36 522/50 000
If you simply click the “I Prayed” button in the Ramadan Prayer-Fuel posts or in our e-mails, you'll add to our 20,000 prayers goal and we'll know that we are united together in prayer for these people!
Islam teaches that God is unknowable and as a result many feel like God is distant. We know the truth is that God Almighty wants an intimate relationship with His followers because He is a good Father who knows the hairs on our head (Luke 12:7). Lord, let all new followers of Christ in Bosnia be filled with joy at knowing the intimacy of God, who calls us “beloved”.
Praying Scripture
“Has any nation ever traded its gods for new ones, even though they are not gods at all? Yet my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols! … For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me — the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!” (Jer 2:11, 13)
Pray that God would expose the worthlessness of their idols: workaholism, busyness, vanity, and addictions of all kinds (e.g. Instagram, social media, gaming, pornography, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.). Ask that God would powerfully break cycles of escape, acting out, and addiction. Pray for a divine return to the fountain of living water, who is Christ.
Praying for the Church
Some believers find it hard to find spaces to read scripture, pray, or discuss their faith because the rest of their families are not believers and will not allow it. Pray for places to meet and study the Bible and pray. Pray for local churches to be a sanctuary for them. Pray for believers to have wisdom about respecting their non-believing family (especially if it is their parents who object) while also holding fast to the Truth.
Praying with the 5 Senses
This month, we want to encourage you to pray in new or unique ways as we lift the Bosniak people. Each day, we will be highlighting a way you can engage one of the “5 senses” to specifically pray for Bosnia.
SIGHT Each evening after sunset, the minarets, or towers, of each mosque will light up the night sky. Especially in urban areas in Bosnia, it is quite a sight. As you look at this picture, pray for Bosniak Muslims to encounter the true Light this Ramadan.
Claiming Our Hope in Christ and His Heart for the Nations
“‘Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.’ So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet — a great army” (Ezekiel 37:9b-10).
Lord, with one phrase – “Lazarus! Come forth!“ – you raised a dead man; and with one phrase – “Come, O breath, breathe into these dead bodies that they may live again“ – you raised a dead nation; you reconstituted them into an army: the forces of Yahweh. And today, we join in accord with your Word: Bosnia, live! Receive the breath of the Lord, the Spirit of the triune God. Be raised to life. Return and live. Be dead no longer; slumber no longer; be sick no more. Return to Life, Bosnia, and live!