April 10 2024

30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ Thank the Lord for the love He has given you for the people of Bosnia as you prayed for them to encounter Christ this Ramadan. Pray for Him to complete the good work he has begun in Bosnia. Take time to listen to next steps God...

April 9 2024

30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ “Ramadan” is actually the name of a month in the Islamic calendar. Being on a lunar cycle, the dates of Ramadan may actually vary slightly from those published based on when astronomers see the phases of the moon. At...

April 8 2024

30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ In many parts of the Muslim world, Islam is passed down more through tradition, family, and society than in formal education. Prayer, fasting, and going on the Hajj are mostly done in a communal context. Today, we pray in faith...

April 7 2024

30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ One of the five pillars of Islam is hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. This visit is considered mandatory for all Muslims, though exceptions exist for those who may not be physically or financially able (how these are quantified,...

April 6 2024

30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ Last night many Muslims celebrated the “Night of Power” hoping that God would show up miraculously to change their cirucmstances (health, financial, relational, etc.). We continue to pray that they would encounter...

April 5 2024

30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ On or around the 27th night of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate the “Night of Power” as a special time that their prayers and good deeds count for more. They believe their chance of getting their prayers answered and...