30 Ways for Muslims to Encounter Christ
“Ramadan” is actually the name of a month in the Islamic calendar. Being on a lunar cycle, the dates of Ramadan may actually vary slightly from those published based on when astronomers see the phases of the moon. At the time of writing, Bajram, as it’s called in Bosnian, or Eid al-Fitr in Arabic, is set to begin tomorrow. Many families are making preparations in their homes by cleaning, buying new clothes, and cooking lots of food. Pray that Muslims in Bosnia would be more concerned in preparing their own hearts, and that the Spirit of God would find openness and welcomeness there!
Praying Scripture
“And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached throughout the world, so that all peoples will hear it; and then the end will come” (Mathew 24:14).
Lord, on this (predicted) last full-day of Ramadan, we cry out to you again and declare the truth of your promise that this Gospel of Your Kingdom shall be preached throughout the entire Muslim world: from Morocco to Indonesia, from California to the streets of Paris. And in Bosnia, again, we proclaim: North and South, East and West; mountain, coast, and valley; every family, village, town, region, and city in Bosnia shall hear the truth of the Gospel of Christ.
Praying for the Church
Christians are often persecuted by friends and family. Sometimes they have a hard time finding people who are willing to learn and grow with them. Pray that God will guide new believers in Bosnia to those they already know who are searching. Pray that the Church would be a place of welcome and not judgement.
Praying with the 5 Senses
This month, we want to encourage you to pray in new or unique ways as we lift the Bosniak people. Each day, we will be highlighting a way you can engage one of the “5 senses” to specifically pray for Bosnia.
Bread is an important part of every meal in Bosnia, as it is in many parts of the world. It is also an important part of our Christian faith, as it represents the body of Christ, broken for us. Today, eat some bread if you are able, and pray for Bosniak Muslims to find satisfaction in the Bread of Life.

Claiming Our Hope in Christ and His Heart for the Nations
Lord of compassion, would you rise and deliver your imprisoned people. Have mercy on those whose attention is captured by distractions and cheap thrills; have mercy on those whose time is consumed by workaholism and mindless activity; have mercy on those whose energy is sapped by the toxic effects of addiction, over-consumption, and escapism. Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy.